Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Monday, March 31, 2008

Ow ow OW OW fucking OW!!

  • No, I didn't hurt myself in New York (aside from a couple of hangovers. And the sore feet from all the walking). Details on my trip in my next post. Promise.
  • What I'm talking about is the latest challenge in hula: hula noho, or "seated" hula.
  • Except we're not really sitting.
We are on the ground, with our legs under us, like these kids are:

(Luckily, we are not wielding sticks in the dance we're learning. Otherwise, I might have to beat myself about the head to assuage my pain.)

  • Looks easy, for these kids, no? It probably WAS easy when I was a kid. And it might be an easy position for you to maintain. But for those of us over 40 who are not in the best shape, it's a challenge just to get into that position. (I am somewhat comforted that even the younger folk in class are complaining, as are those who are in good shape.)

  • I thought it was going to be murder on my knees; it's my feet that are suffering. They cramp up at first, because we have to lay the TOPS of our feet flat on the ground. While putting all our weight on our shins and feet. And sitting up straight. Try that, right now. Ow, right? If not, I hate you. Srsly.

So, once we're in position, we have to, of course, dance, moving our hips -- sometimes rapidly -- and everything. AND CHANT. AND HARMONIZE. And somehow, find the time to breathe in between all the dancing and chanting and suffering. (I tried to find a video on YouTube of someone else doing this, just so you could get a taste, but no luck.)

Oh, and there's even a proper way to get down on the ground, and a correct way to get up again. You know, gracefully, without a face plant. While the lower half of your legs are numb.

This is easily the hardest thing I've ever had to do in any dance class, bar none. And if I ever get it right, I'm going to be so proud of myself. Until then, that whimpering you hear every Monday and Thursday night is me...

Sunday, March 16, 2008


  • every sense of the word.
  • If my vacation hadn't come to an end today, I might have keeled over from sheer exhaustion. (Actually, I'm feeling like I'm about to do that anyway....)
A grand time, as always. More to come when I have time. Meanwhile, here's a lovely pic of the skyline as seen from Brooklyn.

  • Oh, and I DID take the warmer coat. Which was the right move. Except for yesterday, when it was in the 50s and I started sweating.
  • Also? Very fun being in NYC amid a big political sex scandal!
  • Now wondering when I can go back...
Oh, and if you've emailed me over the past week and haven't heard back? You will. As promised, I didn't touch a computer while I was away, so I'll be getting to emails soon.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

"But what will you DO there?"

Two different people asked me that yesterday... and not in a "What are your plans?" way.

Because, you know, it's so hard to find things to do in New York City.

A few colleagues were baffled that I'd go someplace by myself if not to visit family. New York is a fabulous place to go solo, because there's so much to do. It's so easy to get lost in the whirlwind of it all. So much to see, to soak up.

"It's going to be cold, you know..."

I know. I KNOW. Am I a moron? I know it's still winter! I do cold better than hot. I'm not worried. It won't stop me from doing all that I want to do. (I'm just debating which coat to take: the cuter one or the warmer one. It's a battle of style over practicality.)

I'll get to see some shows, some friends new and old, and hopefully escape from the major stresses of the past few months. Luckily, I'm so exhausted I'll have no trouble hitting the hay at a decent hour, East Coast time, tomorrow night.

And I'm not going anywhere near a computer this week if I can help it, so it will be even quieter than usual around these parts.

See you soon!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

This one's for the Pirate...

  • Eyebrow and everything!
  • It's only going to get worse, my friend, as I've just learned they're doing THREE SHOWS here in September!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I'm dizzy from all this spinning...

Wow. So appropriate that I happened to pop this CD into my car stereo today.

No, I can't elaborate.

(and omigod. look at him. and listen to that voice. *sigh)
