Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Friday, April 14, 2006

All too brief...

Our dose of spring, that is.

Oh my god, was it gorgeous yesterday. A spectacular sunrise. And when I left work, there wasn't a cloud in the sky. The air even smelled good. It was glorious. I didn't even want to read on the way home; I just wanted to gaze out the window and marvel at how beautiful my city really is.

Now? The gray has returned. We're expecting more rain, on and off, through the weekend. Bah.

I suspect I'll be too busy to care much, though. Tomorrow, I'm going to a shower/party for her, and on Sunday, I'm off to my friend Sherri's in the South Bay for an Easter feast. In between, loads of errands and grocery shopping and hopefully, some much-needed sleeeeep.

And next week, my friend Cindy and her daughter and niece are driving up from SoCal for a whirlwind mid-week visit.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I have the most amazing friends. I'm thrilled I'll get to see several of them in the coming days.

At 14 April, 2006 20:02, Blogger sassinak said...

only eleven more days until geurge bush only has 999 days left in office

god i can't believe he's around.

i'm glad you have a bunch of stuff coming up dude, it's good for the distraction factor.

At 14 April, 2006 22:09, Blogger terry said...

and sass, that's 999 too many.

jesus christ.

yeah, not only is there distraction... there's great fun to be had, with people i love. who make me feel like i'm not really alone in this world.


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