Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My Christmas gift to me... *

*(aside from all that stuff I bought while shopping on Black Friday, I mean....)
  • I've been looking for just the right thing to hang on my naked office wall. I think this fits the bill.
  • It's about flippin' time Comedy Central started selling some Colbert merch! Jeeez. He's only had his own show for, uh, A YEAR.
I can't wait to see the look on the face of the building maintenance guy who'll have to hang it for me. (And yes, we have to ask someone to hang things from our walls. I'm not sure what they're afraid of, but whatever it takes...)

At 03 December, 2006 06:14, Blogger The Savage said...

It's because hanging pictures is blue collar work... I mean if every desk jockey were to go around hanging their own pictures on the wall what would the blue collar guys have left to do to get out of the actual work they are supposed to be doing?

At 03 December, 2006 06:59, Blogger JMai said...

I love it! And gifts that you buy yourself on Black Friday don't count, because they're just little rewards for 1) being so kind and generous and 2) waking up so ridiculously early and fighting crazy shoppers just so you can be kind and generous.

I must have 3 things that need to be hung on the walls of my office (I decided it was cheesy to hang my diplomas, otherwise there would be more). They're just sitting around waiting. I guess I thought some group of mystery picture-hangers would eventually come in and take care of it. You know, like those elves who helped out the shoemaker? Mmm, apparently NOT.

At 03 December, 2006 09:20, Blogger Blondie said...

I have a poster of a Van Gogh flower on my wall that looks like it has really really big boobs. From across the office, it's quite funny to look at. We get to hang everything ourselves--oh joy.

Oh, and I have an entire wall dedicated to my niece, which I like to call the Little Wall of Fame.

At 03 December, 2006 09:55, Blogger Wine Girl said...

Love the picture, loving that someone hangs it for you too! Wish there was a person to come in my classroom and hang all of my posters and junk....but as school systems go he/she would probably show up on the last day of school to do it like the painters that showed up on the first day of school to paint my already decorated room!!!!!

At 03 December, 2006 11:16, Blogger terry said...

savage, i've always assumed the bldg. maintenance folks already have a full plate, without having to hang bulletin boards and posters for dorks like me...

jmai, yeah... i DO deserve rewards for all of that! yeah! thanks for enabling me.
and you never know... those things might suddenly appear on your walls one of these days. it could be a christmas miracle!

blondie... THAT's funny. i don't recall van gogh painting boobs, tho...
and of course you have a wall dedicated to your niece. she's ADORABLE.

wine girl, did you have to take everything down to let them paint? or did you have to forego the new paint job? how lame.

At 03 December, 2006 11:33, Blogger the shrewness said...

i want a picture of you standing right next to this poster. please?? pretty please with a cherry on top? :)

At 03 December, 2006 15:38, Blogger sassinak said...

that poster rocks... and hey, just flirt with teh nice building maintenance man and call it a paid break :)

At 03 December, 2006 19:34, Blogger terry said...

shrew, perhaps i can do that. although it will be a couple of weeks before they even ship the poster...

sass, you're funny. our building maintenance people aren't much for conversation, i must say...

At 03 December, 2006 20:21, Blogger Balloon Pirate said...

I hope he comes and visits you. Then you can take a picture of him standing in front of the portait of him standing in front of his painting.

Excuse me while I go eat my tail.


At 03 December, 2006 20:58, Blogger Queen of Cheese said...

Maybe bmg will be super hot and he will have a brother and we can go out with them and they'll be super handy dandy dudes and we'll sign them up for "Man on Call" and we'll get rich and we'll marry them in a double wedding and buy houses on every continent.

It Could Happen.

At 03 December, 2006 21:44, Blogger Michelle said...

I think I have to watch COmedy Central more....I don't even know who this guy is.....*ducking* lol But I am glad that you are getting the poster!! :)

At 04 December, 2006 17:15, Blogger terry said...

pirate, that made me snort. and not just because i'm in respiratory hell.
i would loooooove the opportunity to take such a photo...

cheese, you made me snort too. i like the way you think!

chelle!!!!! what??? omg. you've been deprived. this would be the one, the only, the superstantial stephen colbert.
aka my next husband.

really, all crushes aside, i think you should watch the daily show and the colbert report regularly. they're snortalicious!


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