Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Thursday, January 12, 2006

I have a date....

...with Mickey!

Yes, I'm heading to SoCal again, first, for a wedding in San Diego. My friend Cindy's niece Bri is tying the knot, which freaks me out to no end because I've watched her grow up. Granted, she's just 21, but still. It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that I was 21....

And I'm certain I'll be fighting back tears. Yes, I cry at weddings. Something about seeing a loved one beaming in her wedding gown gets me every time.

After that, it's off to Disneyland, with my pals Kimmy, Guppy, and Julie. I can't wait. It's been nearly ten years since my last trip to the Happiest Place on Earth, which is criminal. When you grow up in SoCal, you get to go to Disneyland all the time -- sometimes, several times a year -- so for me to go this long without a visit is just so WRONG on so many levels.

And I'm so thrilled to be going with such great friends. In fact, I think I've logged more hours at Disneyland in my lifetime with Julie than anyone else, so it's really cool we're doing it again. She was my best pal through middle and high school, and is one of the main reasons I survived my adolescence. Ahh, the memories I share with her, of extraordinary silliness, rock-star worship, and big laughs.

There will be more big laughs at the Magic Kingdom, with the four of us not acting our ages. That's the beauty of old friends.

See you real soon!

p.s. I almost slept normally last night! Yay! I might have made it through the entire night without waking if it hadn't been for the drunken moron who was hollering on the street around 2 this morning. Assclown.

At 12 January, 2006 22:03, Blogger Michelle said...

Have a GREAT time!!!! It's always ncie to get together with "old" friends!!!

At 13 January, 2006 20:28, Blogger Ailyn said...

have fun!!

At 17 January, 2006 17:36, Blogger DZER said...

sorry ... I was drunk!



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