Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Best invention EVER!

Okay, it's not really an invention, per se...but a fabulous find at Trader Joe's (natch) nonetheless.

Pre-cut, PRE-DICED onions. In a re-closable plastic bag. Ready to use. Oh. My. GOD.

See, when I chop onions, it's like every last bit of moisture in my body comes out my tear ducts and nose. It's really awful (and gross to picture, no?). By the time I'm done, I can't see, and I feel like I'm about to puke. (And yes, I've tried all those tricks to prevent this. They don't work for me. Seriously.) When I make my famous marinara sauce, I have to make sure I'm not wearing any makeup or planning to go out in public. I look like I've been beaten up, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for killer sauce.

I almost did a happy little jig in the store when I saw this. My prayers have been answered! No more marinara pain!

Oh, and another thing? Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. My mom picked some up for me while she was here, and oh. my. GOD. I don't know how that thing works, but all you do is get it wet and voila! Nothing but clean, clean, clean. And no chemical smell.

Ain't progress grand?

p.s. shhh. don't tell anyone...but the sun was out today! it didn't rain! omigod! shh! don't scare it away.

At 05 January, 2006 05:31, Blogger Michael B said...

my two favourite things from tj' butter in the gold foil wrapper and the house brand tangerine juice. ohmygawd!

At 05 January, 2006 07:28, Blogger terry said...

oh no... those onions had BETTER have some flavor... ! i'm counting on them! i'll bet you'll have a TJ's closer to you soon... they're constantly opening new stores.

and shroom, i keep meaning to try that irish butter...

At 05 January, 2006 08:49, Blogger ShyRocket said...

Happy New Year, Terry! Enjoy the onions.

At 05 January, 2006 17:44, Blogger Queen of Cheese said...

irish butter! I get that every week. I eat a LOT of butter. :o).

Terry they also have the pre-chopped onions at Safeway and they're quite tasty! I personally like the freeze dried ones in the spice section at Costco: same crap that's on a mcd cheeseburger aka RECON!!! delish.

doot doo dooty doo doo

At 05 January, 2006 19:44, Blogger Angela said...

all this onion talk makes me want to vomit. blech...

At 05 January, 2006 21:11, Blogger DZER said...

I personally love the ready-to-go salads in the bag ... and the minced garlic.

cutting onions is one thing ... but garlic? ugh ... you'd have that smell on your fingers for days! LOL

and "true dat" on the Mr. Clean Eraser! Love that thing!

At 05 January, 2006 22:26, Blogger Jon said...

Oooh I want to try that famous sause hun. I would even kiss you after you ate onions if I could have just a taste.

Actually I love onions and garlic

At 06 January, 2006 08:44, Blogger terry said...

you know, miss cheese, the freeze-dried ones just don't quite do it in the sauce. otherwise, i'd be all over that.

haha, ang, haha.

GARLIC! i LOVE garlic! i don't mind that smell at ALL, dzer.... but i use that pre-chopped stuff in a jar for my sauce, and it's YUMMY. and no chopping required.

see, jon, you're my kinda guy.

At 06 January, 2006 08:47, Blogger terry said...


(mocking a shocked reaction, but really laughing....!)

At 06 January, 2006 21:29, Blogger The Lone Rangers said...

Half the fun of making the sauce is the chopping and prepwork though. Of course I'm saying this because I'm the one in a billion person who isn't affected by onions the same as everyone else (or tear anyway)

At 07 January, 2006 13:16, Blogger terry said...

you know, lone, i actually do enjoy the chopping and prep stuff... i just wish i could find a way to stop the convulsions...!


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