Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Now that you're gone...

...all that's left is a band of gold...

I can't get that song out of my head today...but that's because Miss Sassyhair and I saw the incredible Freda Payne at the Plush Room last night.

Her show is a tribute to the great Ella Fitzgerald, and I think this was one of the best shows I've ever seen at the Plush Room, right up there with Paula West and Lea DeLaria.

What an amazing voice. And it's pretty amazing that she nearly moved me to tears while singing "Someone to Watch Over Me," considering that I've heard the song about a million times.

And of course, she did "Band of Gold" toward the end of the evening, along with a Vietnam-era anti-war song of hers that couldn't have been more timely.

And my Manhattans were mighty tasty.

Eeeeek update: No mouse sightings since the Sunday night visit... which is not as reassuring as you might think....

WHERE... IS... IT???


At 27 April, 2006 00:24, Blogger sassinak said...

maybe you were just the thruway on the way to somewhere with lots of dropped crumbs?


sounds like a great evening too

At 27 April, 2006 08:29, Blogger DZER said...

sounds like a lovely and lusciously lavish evening ...

... and perhaps the mouse is under the bed? ;)

At 27 April, 2006 08:33, Blogger terry said...

but sass...doesn't that mean mr. mouse might return??


you get no royalty for this one!


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