So, yeah...
I actually remembered my Blogger password! I've been away from here for so long, I wasn't sure I remembered how to do this.
Anyway. hi! How are you? Most of you are my friends on Facebook now, so you already know what I've been up to, but I do have something I want to write about in greater detail, such as our latest challenge in hula.
It's a doozy. More to come.
In the meantime, I actually updated my blogroll, so those of you who are writing in new locations are there now. Yay! I didn't have the heart to delete anyone who seems to be on hiatus, because I'm hoping for an update....someday. (Like I have room to talk...)
At 28 September, 2009 05:39,
Miss Awesome said...
At 03 October, 2009 01:19,
Jon said...
At 04 October, 2009 07:13,
So Not Wishy Washy said...
we are not friends on facebook. Let's remedy this right now.
I'm glad I haven't been dropped. You still have me beat on frequency of posts. OK, maybe not lately.
FB and here. I'm selfish and want both. Just how I roll.
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