Oh, NO...

- Hi, my name is Terry and I think I've become a caffeine addict.
- Shit.
As I've mentioned before, I've been a decaf drinker for ages...although, occasionally, I'll get my mochas (or the rare frap) fully-leaded. And I noticed the caffeine doesn't seem to bother my stomach when it's a watered-down, as it were, with things like...oh, massive amounts of chocolate and sugar.
And lately, I've been "forgetting" to say "decaf" when ordering my morning mochas. Because, you know what? Caffeinated coffee actually DOES taste better. A LOT better. I'm loving those mochas more than ever.
So today, after a couple of cups of home-brewed decaf, I notice that I have a massive headache. One that's not responding to aspirin.
Shit. It's the sudden lack of caffeine, isn't it?
Now I'm not sure if I should wean myself, or go buy some caffeinated coffee.
Shit. I don't WANT to be dependent on any substances!!
Hey, do you think a glass of wine or two will kill this headache?
At 07 October, 2006 17:14,
masgblog said...
At 07 October, 2006 17:15,
masgblog said...
At 07 October, 2006 17:31,
terry said...
At 07 October, 2006 18:49,
Balloon Pirate said...
At 07 October, 2006 18:58,
Mouthy Girl said...
At 08 October, 2006 02:26,
DZER said...
At 08 October, 2006 07:14,
JMai said...
At 08 October, 2006 09:18,
terry said...
At 08 October, 2006 11:28,
Michelle said...
At 08 October, 2006 12:49,
Natalia said...
At 08 October, 2006 19:21,
terry said...
At 09 October, 2006 00:53,
DZER said...
At 09 October, 2006 02:05,
The Savage said...
wow - have I got a link for oyu then http://www.energyfiend.com
ooh, masg, thanks! that's a great site. interesting.
I've been caffeine free all year. I've cut down my coffe intake in general, but I still drink decaf at work, mostly for the ritual of it.
Plus, I do like the taste.
On Monday, I had to go to a meeting first thing in the morning. There was no decaf brewed, so I grabbed a cup o'regular joe.
I was bouncing off the walls all morning.
I suggest you get back into the decaf mode. It really is better. And, God help me, Starbucks does make a very tasty decaf.
I'm on the fence with this one.
I was off of the juice when I was pregnant but went back OH-SO-HAPPILY upon the birth of Buddha.
I'm all about my get up and go drinkum in the morning. However, I consumed WAY too much of that stuff when I was away at a conference this week. I truly thought I was losing it.
As I said: On the fence.
Good luck, sister.
caffeine is wonderful and beautiful thing ... I think I'm going to go make myself a vanilla latte now! heh
I'm on the fence, too... I love my coffee, but then, I don't feel I'm addicted to it since I can go days without it and feel fine. I miss it, but I won't necessarily get headaches or start fiending for it... I just miss the flavour.
Also, take into consideration that your loaded mochas are loaded with double caffeine from the chocolate. AND the sugar (not caffeine, but still energy).
That said though, I think if you're going to have an addiction ...caffeine is probably a relatively benign one.
pirate, i think you're right. it's a little disturbing to end up with such a nasty withdrawal headache. and starbucks DOES make a good decaf.
bg, i hear ya. and it's not like i've relied on it so much for the energy boost, though clearly there's an element of that. i like the taste. and the taste of the real thing is even better. it just now feels like playing with fire!
dzer, you're not helping!!
jmai, this is the first caffeine-withdrawal headache ever... and it's hideous. so you're lucky...!bleah.
The make decaf coffee?? Hmmmm the things one learns!! LOL
I grew up drinking cafe au lait every morning...since I was 5 or 6 I think. Then I kinda just didn't drink coffee when I was old enough to pick and choose. Then I worked at Starbucks and got hooked. Now I don't have much of it at all. I have it at home for the odd time and also for the frosen coffee drinks I make ever so often. I like a starbucks latte ever so often. I was thinking about getting back into flavoured coffees. Ahhh.
chelle, they do! and it's even good!
nat, i'd think working at starbucks might make you never want to drink coffee again, just because of the overload..!
i love flavored coffees! yum.
decaf is like soy burgers ... why fake it? just drink some muddy water.
OK ... time for another vanilla latte!
coffee with no caffiene is like kool aid with no sugar.... bitter and pointless ... okay so we can use my ex-girlfriend as an analogy too...
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