Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The time of the season..??

Why on earth is Starbucks already selling its pumpkin-flavored items? The sign that went up this week promoting the pumpkin spice latte and the pumpkin cream cheese muffin refers to sampling the "pumpkiny taste of fall." (Is "pumpkiny" even a word, by the way?)
Ummm... fall doesn't actually start until September 22nd. In other words, it's still three weeks away.
It's bad enough that summer clothes are in stores in the dead of winter, while fall clothing shows up around the 4th of July, and Christmas items are for sale in October. Now the fall beverages are being foisted upon us in the summer?? It's so wrong. And even more incongruous in San Francisco, as we are just starting to get our warmest weather...though I know Starbucks can't market to every little microclimate around.

On another note, the hurricane coverage on TV isn't funny anymore. In fact, the Gulf Coast appears to be hell on earth right now. I can't quite fathom what's happening there.

At 31 August, 2005 11:13, Blogger Queen of Cheese said...

will you bring me a cream cheese pumpkin muffin?

At 31 August, 2005 11:13, Blogger Queen of Cheese said...

butthole is a very effective word.

At 01 September, 2005 14:35, Blogger Queen of Cheese said...

ps thanks for the muffin! butthole may be an effective word, but i do like pumpkiny better. So yes.
I would say it is a word. The muffin you brought me was quite pumpkiny after all.


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