This one's for the ladies...

Seriously, guys? This will be SO uninteresting for you...
WHY, oh why, did I think it was a good idea to make a salad for lunch today which included broccoli, cucumbers, red peppers, and garbanzo beans... when I was already awfully gassy because of my period?
Hi, may I please have some gas to go with my gas??
Let's just say that at one point today, when I could fight no longer, I discovered another perk of having my own office.
Just once, though. And that was enough to mortify me. AND curl my hair.
At 19 October, 2006 00:22,
DZER said...
At 19 October, 2006 03:11,
Mouthy Girl said...
At 19 October, 2006 04:26,
JMai said...
At 19 October, 2006 06:39,
SignGurl said...
At 19 October, 2006 09:39,
Angela said...
At 19 October, 2006 11:41,
Natalia said...
At 19 October, 2006 12:59,
terry said...
At 19 October, 2006 14:21,
Pat & Reg said...
At 19 October, 2006 14:38,
terry said...
blame the female farting on the garbanzos ... beans are evil!!
Oh my Lord.
I feel your pain.
Yesterday, I almost gave in to the urge to crop dust one of my students who was being an idiot.
It was a prime opportunity. However, I took pre-pity on the kid. My dusting would have annihilated him.
But DIY salad bars are the BEST way to have salad! And apparently, the best way to keep that bounce in your curl long after the curl-enhancing mousse has worn off? Too funny.
I actually spit water on my laptop over this! Hilarious.
huh huh ... you farted
Maybe because you had a craving, which is another thing that comes with the lovely experience that is the period? :)
dzer, it wasn't just the beans. it was all those things together PLUS the hormones. it's a deadly combo...!
buddhagirl... crop dusting!! snortalicious!
jmai, it WAS a yummy salad. it was just not a wise choice on that particular day.
signgurl, be careful...!
ang... heh heh...
lil sis... glad my inappropriateness gave you a laugh!
nat, i get cravings for chocolate and meat and fries during this time of the month. NOT veggies. i don't know what i was thinking...
ha ha ha ha ha! Did you know that everyone farts 17 times a day on average (according to Oprah's doctor). Apparently you've been saving up for one glorious day!
reg! you're back!
i must have blasted you back into blogland...
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