Dork-o-Rama: The Random Thoughts of a Total Goofball

Embracing the Dork Side....Because Life is Too Short to Take Yourself Too Seriously

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Go, girl!

News item:
NEW YORK (AP) - Lauren Hutton is celebrating her 62nd birthday a bit early by posing naked for a magazine.
Hutton can be seen nude in eight pages of photos in Big magazine. The photos are not airbrushed.
Hutton told ``The View'' that her godkids encouraged her. One told her ``Go, Granny, go.''
Hutton says she wants to show older women they don't have to be ashamed of their bodies.
She turns 62 on November 17th.

I think this is really cool.
Then it occurred to me that I'm sure she looks better at 62 than I have ever looked or will ever look any day in my life.

At 25 October, 2005 10:07, Blogger Gavin Corder said...

You should see Mrs C!


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